Capture of French Treasure Ships Commemorative Medal (1745)

On July 10, 1745, Capt James Talbot in the Prince Frederick and Capt John Morecock in the Duke captured two of three French ships sailing back from Lima with almost 2.4 million ounces of Spanish treasure. The treasure was conveyed from Bristol to the Tower of London in 45 wagons October 1 and 2, 1745.The 37 mm bronze medal, designed by J. Kirk, commemorates the capture of French treasure ships in 1745. features naval action on the obverse. Over each ship are the initials of its name, ND, D, LE, PF, MA (Notre Dame, Duke, Louis Erasme, Prince Frederick, Marquis d'Antin). In the exergue: IULLI . X . MDCCXLV (July 10, 1745). The reverse features two infant fames, bearing respectively a trumpet and a laurel branch and holding two medallions with the busts of IAC . TALBOT and IOHA . MORECOCK. Below this is a procession of horse-drawn wagons marked 44 and 45. In the exergue: VENIEBUNT LONDO . OCT . I . ET . II . MDCCXLV (They came to London, I and 2 Oct. 1745).

Capture of French Treasure Ships Medal

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