British North Borneo Chartered Company

The North Borneo Chartered Company (NBCC), also known as the British North Borneo Company (BNBC), was a British chartered company formed in November 1881 to administer and exploit the resources of North Borneo (present-day Sabah in Malaysia). The company also briefly administered the island of Labuan before it joined the Straits Settlement. The territory became a protectorate of the British Empire in 1888, but the company remained involved with the territory until 1946, when administration was fully assumed by the Crown colony government.

The British North Borneo Company's Punitive Expeditions Medal 1888 - 1916 was a British Empire campaign medal presented for service in North Borneo. The medal was instituted in 1897 and was awarded to participants of various expeditions to quell unrest in the Company's territory.

Silver British North Borneo Company Medal and Bronze Version with Clasp: PUNITIVE EXPEDITION

The 38mm circular medal was struck in both silver and bronze. The obverse depicts the company shield, supported by a native either side and the inscription, PERGO ET PERAGO (I CARRY ON AND ACCOMPLISH) on the scroll below. The reverse depicts the image of a British Lion with foliage behind the company flag - a version of the Union Jack - with the inscription, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO above and the manufacturers mark, SPINK AND SON and LONDON in small text below.

The swivel scroll ribbon ornate suspender is attached to the medal by a claw mount. The medal was issued unnamed. The pre-1917 ribbon was a solid golden yellow. The post-1917 ribbon is pictured below. There was one clasp issued: PUNITIVE EXPEDITION on two lines.

The British North Borneo Company also issued a second medal, the Tambunan Rebellion Medal, for the period 1899-1900. It was instituted in 1900 for award to participants of the expedition against Mat Salleh in the Tambunan Valley, led by Captain C. H. Harrington.

The Mat Salleh Rebellion was a series of major armed disturbances against the colonial British North Borneo Chartered Company administration in North Borneo. It was instigated by Datu Muhammad Salleh (also known as Mat Salleh), a local chief from the Lingkabo District and Sugut River. He led the rebellion between 1894 until his death in Tambunan in 1900. The resistance still continued for another five years until 1905.

The extremely rare, 36mm medal was struck in silver and bronze and always issued with the bar TAMBUNAN. The obverse depicts the company shield, surrounded by the inscription, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO 1900. The reverse depicts a pair of arms, one bare and one sleeved, holding the company flag surrounded by the legend, PERGO ET PERAGO. The manufacturers mark SPINK AND SON LONDON is in small text at the very bottom.

British North Borneo Company Silver and Bronze Medals with Clasp: TAMBUNAN

Initially only seven named silver medals and 116 bronze medals were issued to native troops. An additional 36 silver medals were issued during 1905 - 1906, when original recipients of the bronze version were allowed to exchange their medals for a silver one. Ten silver and an additional 12 silver were struck by Spink in 1906 and 1909, respectively. Some of the re-strikes were made in order to satisfy collector demands and they are marked Copy or Specimen and the "S" in Son is obliterated.

North Borneo Company Gallantry Cross Silver & Bronze

Instituted in 1890, nine of these very rare Gallantry Crosses (five silver and four bronze) were awarded to those serving in the North Borneo Armed Constabulary, for gallantry during a number of mostly small police actions between 1883 and 1915. The actions involved the pursuit of bandits and rebels by British Company officers, with Sikh and Malay policemen, indigenous Dyak guides and local Dusan and Kadazan porters. These pursuits took place over difficult terrain and in harsh weather conditions.

The awards of the Cross cover 17 actions involving the company's armed constabulary. Most of these actions involved fewer than 40 men, but at the other end of the spectrum, the Battle at Tambunan in 1900, involved more than 140 men.

Most expeditions were due to malcontents or fugitives from justice. They include: (1) the Omadal Expedition 1884 (1) the Puroh Expedition 1885; (2) the Kawang Railway Station Raid 1904; (3) the Padas Damit Expeditions, 1885, 1887-1889; (4) the Mumus Saiap Expedition 1894; (5) the Kwijau Rebellion; (6) several early skirmishes with Mat Saleh; (7) the Matt Saleh raid on Gaya and looting of the Treasury 1897; (8) the unsuccessful attack on Matt Saleh at Tambunan 1897; (9) The Ranau Expedition against Mat Saleh 1898; (10) the Tambunan Expedition 1900; (11) the Kudat Raid 1900 and (12) the Rundum Rebellion 1915.

Sgt. Natha Singh of the British North Borneo Company Indian Police Force won the bronze Cross in 1888 during the Padas Damit Expeditions He was subsequently awarded a silver Cross for his involvement in the attack on Mat Sallah's Ranau Fort near Tambunan on December 13, 1897. Note: other commentators reverse the order of the Sgt. Singh's awards. During the action at Tambunan, one officer and 4 Sikhs were killed and 9 others wounded. Although himself seriously wounded, Sgt. Singh succeeded after two attempts in retrieving the officer's body, after which he returned to the attack. For his gallant action in face of a point-blank fire, he was awarded a commission and the Company's Silver Cross for Bravery. In addition to Natha Singh's two Crosses, other recipients of this medal from among the Sikh ranks were Sgt. Major Singh who won his decoration for his conduct at Seganan in Darvel Bay in 1891; Regiment Sgt. Major Shere Singh who received the Cross for long service and good conduct in 1895 and Sgt. Hira for meritorious conduct during the Kudat Raid in 1900.

The design is based loosely on Britain's Victoria Cross. The Cross Pattee (Maltese Cross) features a British lion (lion passant gardant) at its center, the inscribed company motto, PERGO ET PERAGO on a roundel surrounding the lion. The arms are inscribed clockwise beginning at the viewer's left: BRITISH/NORTH/BORNEO/FOR BRAVERY. Three crosses have been recorded as omitting the words: FOR BRAVERY. The silver reverse is hallmarked. The bronze reverse is plain and smooth. The original ribbon drape was gold silk, later changed to yellow. The Crosses were made by Joseph Moore, Ltd of Birmingham and the hallmark on the silver Cross only is that for 1890.

Modern copies of the Cross are marked STERLING on the reverse.

The General Service Medal 1937-1941


This British North Borneo Company's General Service Medal 1937-41 was instituted in 1937 and issued to the British North Borneo Company staff, constabulary and various civilians for service in North Borneo that was considered either: (1) specially valuable; (2) long and meritorious (meaning service greater than 18 years) or (3) for exceptional courage (gallantry).

Only 44 medals (plus one replacement) were issued, and of these, only one was issued for exceptional courage. The sole gallantry medal, which was issued to 15-year old, Leong Yew Pong, gazetted (in the British North Borneo Herald and Official Gazette) on August 3, 1939, has an added, narrow red center stripe on its ribbon. The recipients of the 44 medals were primarily government officials, armed constabulary, rubber planters, the Archdeacon, the Chairman of the Chamber Of Commerce, railway managers, businessmen and local dignitaries.

British North Borneo Company GSM Obverse & reverse

Gallantry Ribbon with Red Central Stripe

The 38mm circular medal was struck in silver (replacement medals in bronze). The obverse depicts the shield of the Company flanked by warriors as supporters. Above the shield are two arms, one clothed and the other naked, supporting the Company flag. Below the shield is the inscription, PERGO ET PERAGO (I carry on and accomplish). The reverse depicts the seated figure of Britannia facing right, holding a trident in her left hand, with her right hand resting on a shield, which bears the Union flag. Around the top of the reverse is the curved inscription, NORTH BORNEO GENERAL SERVICE MEDAL and in the exergue a branch with leaves. The medal was issued un-named and without bars or clasps.

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